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University Climate Survey

As K-State's 2025 strategic plan comes to a close, our strategic planning efforts continue as Next-Gen K-State. See the latest updates on the Next-Gen K-State website.

University Climate Survey Groups

Survey Steering Group

Jay Stephens (Co-Lead), Bryan Samuel (Co-Lead), Thomas Lane, Brian Niehoff, Tanya Gonzalez, Jeff Morris, Maureen Redeker, Linda Cook, Grant Chapman, Amit Chakrabarti, Sam Reyer, Jansen Penny, Manzamasso Hodjo

Survey Team

Coordinated by: Bryan Samuel;

Administrator Survey Group: Frederick Burrack (Group Lead), Sara Thurston, Laura Brannon, Tara Coleman, Wayne Goins, Adrian Rodriguez, Becki Bohnenblust, Christie Launius;

Faculty Survey Group: Donald Saucier (Group Lead), Brandon Haddock, Kay Ann Taylor, Merta Scott-Hall, Tim Steffensmeier, Barbara Anderson, Esther Swilley;

Staff Survey Group: Rebecca Gould (Group Lead), Loleta Sump, Olivia Law-Delrosso, Shireen Roshanravan, Thu Annelise Nguyen, Annette Hernandez, Scott Jones;

Student Survey Group: Brandon Clark (Group Lead), Sarah Barrett, Maria Beebe, Rodney Howell, Wendy Ornelas, Grecia Barron Lucio, Madia Rivera