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  5. »Phase 5: Wordles

2025 Visionary Plan

As K-State's 2025 strategic plan comes to a close, our strategic planning efforts continue as Next-Gen K-State. See the latest updates on the Next-Gen K-State website.

Phase 5: Wordles

Wordles are word clouds that visually represent a group's thinking. Theme committee members were each asked at the beginning of the planning process for three words that described their vision of excellence for K-State in 2025 in their theme area. They were asked again for three words at the end of their work. The wordles below represent the words of all 84 committee members and the transformation that occurred in their thinking as a whole while working through the planning process.

The final wordle from the group as a whole

Final wordle from the committees as a whole

The initial wordle from the group as a whole

Initial wordle from the committees as a whole

The Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities, Discovery theme initial and final wordle

Initial wordle from theme 1 committeeFinal wordle from theme 1 committee

The Undergraduate Educational Experience theme initial and final wordle

Initial wordle from theme 2 committeeFinal wordle from theme 2 committee

The Graduate Scholarly Experience theme initial and final wordle

Initial wordle from theme 3 committeeFinal wordle from theme 3 committee

The Engagement, Extension, Outreach, and Service theme initial and final wordle

Initial wordle from theme 4 committeeFinal wordle from theme 4 committee

The Faculty and Staff theme initial and final wordle

Initial wordle from theme 5 committeeFinal wordle from theme 5 committee

The Facilities and Infrastructure theme initial and final wordle

Initial wordle from theme 6 committeeFinal wordle from theme 6 committee

The Athletics theme initial and final wordle

Initial wordle from theme 7 committeeFinal wordle from theme 7 committee