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  5. »Faculty Compensation
  6. »2012

2025 Visionary Plan

As K-State's 2025 strategic plan comes to a close, our strategic planning efforts continue as Next-Gen K-State. See the latest updates on the Next-Gen K-State website.

Faculty Compensation

Competitive compensation is essential for recruiting and retaining the faculty and staff we need now and in the future. Instituting multi-year compensation improvement plans with specific targeted goals and strategies is important to making progress.

In 2012, a Faculty Compensation Task Force proposed a plan to advance K-State 2025 goals for competitive faculty compensation. A three-year compensation improvement plan was put in place for FY2014 through FY2016 drawing on several elements of this plan. As a result, average faculty salaries across all ranks have risen but more progress needs to be made. 

You are invited to review the Task Force recommendations and report below as well as the feedback received during the formal comment period.

Faculty Compensation Task Force, 2012

Faculty Compensation Task Force Report:
Structuring Faculty Salaries Towards K-State 2025 & Beyond (December 2012) (pdf)

Letter to campus from President Schulz,
June 18, 2013 

Letter to campus from President Schulz and Provost Mason,
January 16, 2013 

Letter to campus from President Schulz and Provost Mason,
September 18, 2012
